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Autonomous Database comes to the customer datacenter

Posted by Nicole Moletsane on 09-Jul-2020 11:18:10

What’s Autonomous Database

Autonomous Database represents a shift in the database industry similar to what’s happening in the auto industry where cars are now parking and driving themselves, without direct human intervention.  Autonomous Database is bringing both a technological shift and a financial model change to the way people leverage the best database in the world, Oracle Database.  Autonomous Database delivers a machine-learning driven, self-managed database capability that natively builds in Oracle’s extensive technology stack and best practices for self-driving, self-securing and self-repairing operation. The Autonomous Database is completely self-managed, allowing you to focus on business innovations instead of technology and is consumed in a true pay-per-use subscription model to lower operational cost.

What’s Exadata Cloud@Customer

Many companies cannot simply move to public cloud due to challenges involving the regulatory nature of their data, data sovereignty laws requiring data to stay in country of origin, and the complexities of systems entanglement present in enterprise architectures. Systems entanglement happens because individual applications are coupled to others in such a way that changes to one impact the others, thereby complicating a move to public cloud.  To mitigate these challenges while providing customers the benefits of cloud self-service and a pay-per-use financial model, Oracle introduced Exadata Cloud@Customer in 2017, bringing the cloud to customers who cannot simply transform to public cloud. 

What’s unique about Autonomous on Exadata Cloud@Customer

With the introduction of Oracle Autonomous Database on Exadata Cloud@Customer (ADB-ExaC@C), the responsibility for managing both the infrastructure and the database software is transferred to Oracle’s autonomous operations and Oracle becomes responsible and accountable for the health and lifecycle operations of the databases. Exadata Cloud@Customer enables users of Autonomous Database to take advantage of their architectural Identicality with Oracle public cloud and the Cloud@Customer experience on-premises in the customer data center. Architectural Identicality enables hybrid usage such as development and stress testing in public cloud with production deployment on-premises.  Further, Autonomous Database is uniquely elastic in that it can auto-scale up and down based on the real-time incoming workload while staying completely online, thus enabling a true pay-per-use model for ADB-ExaC@C users.  The Autonomous Database also handles workload isolation and dynamic resource allocations to prevent the underutilization of physical resources and further optimize costs.  These ADB-ExaC@C capabilities mean users no longer have to worry about administrative tasks such as database updates or security patching which are handled by Oracle’s autonomous fleet operations.  Customers simply put autonomous operational policies in place and the autonomous software layers operate within the guidelines of the policies and the end result is a database cloud in the customer data center that provides governance and best practices for IT while delivering independence, agility and complete self-service for developers and line of business DBAs.

Getting started with Autonomous Database on Exadata Cloud@Customer

Autonomous Database on Exadata Cloud@Customer is easy to get started and begins with subscribing to some dedicated Exadata Cloud@Customer infrastructure.   Oracle delivers and works with IT to register and activate the infrastructure with a regional control plane in Oracle’s public cloud.  Autonomous Database on Exadata Cloud@Customer delivers a win-win for both IT and project team developers because IT gets governance and best practices in place while freeing developers to innovate with a simple to use self-service database cloud.

An IT Fleet group is created and allocates VM Clusters and Database Containers for the business, separating out dev-test, pre-production, and production environments according to best practices.  Project team developers and/or DBAs are given access to specific labeled environments with quotas settled on by organizational budgeting plans.  The developers and DBA’s self-service Autonomous Database within the limits of their issued quota and are free to create, start, stop, scale, clone, terminate and other actions on their Autonomous Databases completely independent of the Fleet Admin group.  It’s possible for developers to get a mission-critical Autonomous Database with the click of a button or the call of a CLI or REST command in what amounts to seconds.

Problem Solved

Autonomous Database on Exadata Cloud@Customer solves the regulatory and systems entanglement challenges some customers have that prevent a move to a public cloud. It brings the benefits sought after in a cloud based database solution right to their data center.  It gives customers a complete self-service database capability implementing Oracle best practices in a self-managed, autonomous solution. Autonomous Database on Exadata Cloud@Customer enables the simplest transformation to database cloud, optimizing cost thru true pay-per-use,  eliminating manual labor and human errors with a machine learning based self-driving, self-securing and self-repairing database.

#oracle #cloudcomputing #OAD #hiperdist 
**Robert Greene
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Topics: Oracle, Cloud, Hiperdist

KEMP LoadMaster vs F5 Big-IP: The Right Price for the Cloud

Posted by Nicole Moletsane on 12-Jun-2020 11:54:06

The original concept of load-balancing and application delivery was uncomplicated. In the old architecture, a physical appliance deployed on site served as the central point to all the applications for load balancing, and security services. The networking world consisted of static boundaries and majority of the applications were served by the in-house locations.

However, the approach started to fragment quickly with the birth of cloud and virtualisation. Virtualisation enables many smaller load balancers to move and scale on demand, while the cloud dissolves the static network and security boundaries. Applications have become scattered throughout the cloud’s infrastructure.

Today, a central load balancer, serving all the application locations and types, no longer suffices. There is a high-priority need for a per-app application delivery controller (ADC) model of operation. Besides, the model should be available at the right price for the cloud, yielding customers the best return from their investment. In other words, the smart ADC model should be available at a smart price.

The cloud brings many benefits to organisations. It offers a pre-built global footprint, thereby, abstracting the many complexities of on-site I.T. infrastructure. One of the main benefits of the cloud is agility. However, if the cloud load balancing license model is rigid and lacks flexibility, the benefits of the cloud would be compromised by its price.

The costs of the Cloud

Every major load balancing vendor can satisfy the per-app ADC requirement; however, this is not the point at issue. The real issue is the associated costs, not from the cloud usage perspective but from the load balancer’s license perspective.

Clouds are expensive. Therefore, users are reluctant to overpay for the load balancing license when they are already paying a premium to use the cloud.

There is no magic formula or design configuration that gives the best cost ratio per license. The ideal practice could be to ensure that the consumption model must be understood and available with the vendor upfront. This would allow greater deployment flexibility at a reasonable cost.

License options – Perpetual & Metered (MELA)

Traditionally, KEMP have a perpetual load balancing license. The perpetual license fulfills use cases for both; the cloud and on-site, especially if the application is well understood in terms of usage and capacity.

The standard perpetual license locks the application into certain performance and feature metrics. It is useful in static environments but fails to accommodate growth or spikes such as when an application encounters a peak usage event.

Every network is a unique snowflake, with bespoke configurations, as is the application usage. More often than not application usage is not known and understood. Naturally, when something is not understood, you simply can’t apply a static framework around it and expect an optimal result. A perpetual license will not work with unknown use cases.

To overcome this challenge, KEMP Technologies offers what’s known as a metered license (MELA). A metered license is a month-by-month subscription, similar to that of a mobile phone subscription that includes a defined amount of usage for a fixed price with known costs for any usage beyond this.

For example, let’s say you are unsure and unaware of application peak usage and at times the number of load balancing cloud instances required may increase or decrease. This is a situation that certain users might come across quite often. In this case, users simply buy a 10GB license, covering all the instances and offering higher throughput at a fraction of the cost.

KEMP license structure permits 10GB of traffic and allows the deployment of as many load balancer instances in the cloud as required to satisfy the events of un-predicted or predicted traffic peaks. KEMP calculates the total peak for the entire deployed load balancing instances for that month. If it is less than 10GB, then it’s not a problem. Besides, if you do go over, even then it’s not a problem as there is an agreed surcharge.

The metered license model does not restrict operations. The instances are right-sized all the time regardless of peak usage.

F5’s – Enterprise License Agreement (ELA)

In comparison to KEMPs MELA licensing model; F5, offers what’s known as an Enterprise License Agreement (ELA). It consists of a pool of fixed licenses. Upfront, users pay for a number of licenses, issue them and invoke when required. It’s a simple model but comes with many restrictions.

The licenses are of fixed sizes so choosing a license will always be a balancing act between over-provisioning for normal use and under-provisioning for peak usage. This locks the applications down and has no granularity. Unfortunately, with this model, you will always be overpriced in terms of licensing. F5 ELA does not form the perfect marriage between load balancing, cloud deployments, and the associated licensing cost.

Applications are moving to the cloud. Organisations require a flexible consumption model in terms of licensing. KEMP metered licensing provides the right price for the cloud while retaining all the benefits that cloud and virtualisation have to offer.

•• Original text from Kemp 
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Topics: Interdist Alliances, kemp, Load Balancing

MicroFocus - Backing Up to Cloud Services with Data Protector

Posted by Nicole Moletsane on 11-Jun-2020 08:45:00
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Topics: Distribution, Interdist Alliances, Cloud, Compute, MicroFocus

Think Digital Summit Africa 2020

Posted by Nicole Moletsane on 08-Jun-2020 16:37:26

The global impact of COVID-19 has given rise to unique challenges to businesses in Africa, and we know that finding new ways to adapt your operations and enhance IT resiliency has never been more complex.

But you don’t have to do it alone. Join IBM Think Digital Summit Africa experience, a highly concentrated

collaboration focused on accelerating essential recovery and transformation while providing the deep industry experience you need respond to this new business environment.

Attend Think Digital Summit Africa and learn how you can best protect and enable your organisation, manage risk, optimise costs and maintain customer satisfaction. IBM Think Digital Summit Africa provides a unique opportunity to learn from business across the globe and see how we can apply it in an African context. Here are a few sessions I think you should attend:

• The New Essential Technologies for Business. IBM's General Managers for Africa will engage with local CEOs to reflect on new IBM CEO, Arvind Krishna's, view of the essential platforms that provide businesses with the flexibility, speed, reliability and innovation they need to be successful in times of both crisis and opportunity.

• Scale Innovation at Speed with Hybrid Cloud and AI. Jim Whitehurst, President, IBM and previous CEO of Red Hat, will share the latest about IBM’s leading hybrid cloud and AI capabilities, built with Red Hat run-anywhere technology. Learn how a combined strategy is helping healthcare, financial, and other customers succeed in today’s changing world and prepare for what’s next with Cloud and AI.

• Building a Resilient and Smarter Business to Act at the Speed of Insight. Learn how leading organisations are deftly managing this change under extraordinary circumstances to align trusted information to decision making and building new platforms to redefine competitive advantage and transform their industries. See how you can leverage IBM's investment in IBM Garage methodology and its IX studio across Africa to manage your transformation.

• Learn more about IBM's response to COVID-19 and the solutions we have to help your business in these times and how IBM Research Africa is contributing to apply Tech for good.

This is a unique, unprecedented opportunity to learn together.

Join us and let's get thinking

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Topics: IBM, Interdist Alliances, Think2020

Load Balancing with Interdist Alliances and Kemp

Posted by Nicole Moletsane on 05-Jun-2020 15:49:48

During times of crisis, disaster or pandemic, we are forced to change how we do business. This places new stresses on business functions, applications and networks. We depend on our IT infrastructure and business applications despite these circumstances.

Kemp Load Balancers are proven to deliver the always-on service availability, resiliency and security that your business needs. They maintain an optimal application experience for employee’s, external workers/ contractors, or to the public. Deployed as software, hardware or as cloud instances, the Kemp Load Balancer’s optimise the performance and availability of servers delivering important content to end-users, acting as a traffic-cop to deliver requests to the best network servers as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Kemp offers FREE no obligation trials of all our products. Try our 30 day FREE Trial.

30 Day FREE Trial



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Topics: Interdist Alliances, kemp, Load Balancing

Exciting times ahead...

Posted by Nicole Moletsane on 02-Jun-2020 10:26:55
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Exciting times ahead! We are thrilled to announce the beginning of a new strategic partnership between Interdist Alliances and Kemp.
Kemp's mission is simple: Provide invisible technology with a visible impact, making it easy for their customers to power an always-on application experience, otherwise known as AX. Kemp has fully-embraced the idea of AX, not only as a new kemp.ax domain, but as a symbol for the positive outcome that customers achieve by implementing Kemp's next-generation load balancing solutions.
We strongly believe that this partnership will create new opportunities for us and partners alike, who will be able to use their expertise in Collaboration to position the Kemp range effectively.
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IBM 90-Day Offer for IBM Storage Insights Pro

Posted by Nicole Moletsane on 29-May-2020 09:15:00

During this challenging Interdist Alliances and IBM prioritise the need for consistency.

IBM Storage Insights is the cloud-based service that helps you monitor the basic health, status, and performance of storage systems. When problems occur, you can get help to identify and troubleshoot those problems and minimise potential downtime, where and when you need it. 

IBM Storage Insights Pro builds on the AI-infused capability of IBM Storage Insights with vastly more data, more predictive capability, and support for non-IBM storage to enable a holistic view of your data centre storage.

With that in mind, IBM has a special 90-day Storage Insights Pro Offer for ALL IBM Storage users.

  • If you're already using IBM Storage Insights, sign in and click "Unlock the full power of IBM Storage Insights Pro". If you've previously used the IBM Storage Insights Pro trial, the button will be re-enabled. 
  • If you aren't yet using IBM Storage Insights, sign up for free at https://ibm.biz/insightsreg.

After 90 days, you can choose to subscribe to IBM Storage Insights Pro or return to using the free version.

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Topics: IBM, Interdist Alliances, interdistconversations, number1distributor

Join us to discuss the changes announced at Think 2020 in IBM PartnerWorld.

Posted by Nicole Moletsane on 26-May-2020 11:11:50

At Think 2020, IBM announced changes in PartnerWorld which revolved around 4 key pillars – Adapt, Develop, Focus and Shift.

To keep you updated and discuss your feedback, we have organised session with IBM team on 3rd June 2020 at 1:00 PM (GMT+2). In this session, we will discuss the changes announced at Think 2020 in IBM PartnerWorld.

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Topics: IBM, Interdist Alliances, interdistconversations, number1distributor

IBM HW Launch

Posted by Nicole Moletsane on 20-May-2020 17:10:26

Interdist Alliances a leading provider of IBM’s high-performance solutions today announces that we now have authorisation to remarket IBM Systems Hardware. This includes the IBM Storage, Power and Services products in East and Central Africa.

Our expansion into East and Central Africa marks a milestone moment in the growth of Interdist Alliances as we introduce our World-class services to new audiences and pre-existing Business partner and clients.

We will add new services, shipping logistics, technical expertise, industry and regional knowledge, efficiency and effectual skills to our burgeoning roster of offerings that we have acquired for over 30 years as part of the Unidist while handling/managing multiple OEM’s in Africa, Levant  to connect Business Partners and clients in direct markets. We also welcome the opportunity to forge new partnerships with new business partners and IBM internationally as we grow the African market.

Read the full press release to discover our distribution countries.

Read Press Release

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Topics: IBM, Interdist Alliances, interdistconversations, number1distributor

IBM FlashSystem 9200

Posted by Nicole Moletsane on 11-May-2020 15:00:00
IBM FlashSystem 9200 combines the performance of flash and end-to-end Non-Volatile Memory Express (NVMe) with the reliability and innovation of IBM FlashCore® technology, the ultra-low latency of Storage Class Memory (SCM), the rich features of IBM Spectrum Virtualize™ and AI predictive storage management and proactive support by Storage Insights™— all in a powerful 2U enterprise-class, blazing fast storage all-flash array.
Providing intensive data driven multicloud storage capacity, FlashSystem 9200 allows you to easily add in the multicloud solutions that best support your most critical demands. Our Systems team are ready to continue this conversation. Contact us to take your business to the next level.
#ibm #Flashsystem9200 #interdistalliances #yournumberonedistributor 
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Topics: IBM, Interdist Alliances, interdistconversations, number1distributor

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